Thursday, June 02, 2005

E-mail address for baby

The state government plans to give the newborns in Perak a lifelong e-mail address each beside the normal birth certificate under its E-mail 4 All project. The move will push the parents into the ICT age because they will have to learn how to use the e-mail. In the end, who is using the e-mail - the parents or the baby?


Anonymous said...

Well i personally feel it is a waste of resources to set an email account for 'babies'. it's a good effort to intiate this but i feel there are better ways to promote the use of tech. If one is not interested and do not have the initiative, then why have an email account?
just to prove to the world that we are....'tech savvy'?

nerytha said...

E-mail add. for babies? Uh huh.. just think of the cost of buying a computer and the access to the Internet, especially for those who live in rural place, can they afford to buy one? Furthermore, it will be more likely a burden to the parents, ya know, especially for the "baby boomers".

Anonymous said...

email for baby?? dont waste the resources ler..