Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Online games - More goods or harms?

A report on TheStar (10 Oct 2006) highlighted the opinion from cybercafe operators on this topic.

According to them, online games are actually doing youths more good than harm, in that the games even keep them away from getting involved in drugs or crime activities.

Some excerpts from the Star:

“If parents think playing online games is bad, they should honestly ask themselves what they did as youths to entertain themselves when there were no computer games,” said Jeffery Wong, 31, a cybercafe owner.

“I bet they were involved in activities that were not that much more productive either, and probably a lot more dangerous,” he said, recalling his adventurous days of swimming in ex-mining pools when he was a teenager.

“It also provides job opportunities. I know many people who didn’t get to complete school, but because of online games, they’re able to survive and earn a decent living doing something they like,” Wong said.

“And what’s so bad about making money from playing games? It’s not like it’s illegal,” said Leon Jalleh, 27, a cybercafe operator.

“If kids are learning how to earn money by pursuing their interest, their parents should be proud of them instead!”

“It’s better than having them waste money loitering in shopping malls, or worse, get involved in drugs or criminal gangs,” he added.

Jalleh said cybercafes were also comparatively healthier than other entertainment avenues, such as nightclubs.

“You won’t find drugs or alcohol in cybercafes, and most don’t even allow smoking nowadays,” he said.

Jalleh told The Star that it was possible to earn several thousand ringgit a month by trading virtual items or helping other gamers improve their avatars.

“It is a good way to bond with friends and meet new people who share the same interest, plus it’s the cheapest form of entertainment around – definitely much cheaper than clubbing,” said Chris Chong, 26, who meets his friends for game sessions on weekends.

What is your opinion on this issue? Is online games bring more goods or harm?


Anonymous said...

I agree that online games are actually doing youths more good than harm(i mean..except those who were too over/into cyber games without controlled)-.-"

well,they may be a very good world cyber player in future(who knows..;))&took part in WCG(World Cyber Game)competition~ It's not a simple/easy competition..instead they hv to meet the required qualification..&it needs skills&much more training..
Parents may think it's just wasting of time..but,actually it's no harm if one person is good in time management&serve online games as their hobby/interest..

Besides,they might hv chances to join in those IT/cyber games company(Eg.SONY-PS2..they'r invited those winners in WCG to join their company as 1of their prizes-a SONY contract..isn't sounds great?(:

&of course,time management is vital..indeed,education should come 1st;)

Anonymous said...

erm..i think is half falf le..

it depnds on how the youths will be using it..

often, a new development is beneficial to us..only that we people are using it in a wrong way..

Anonymous said...

It's really difficult to judge. Online game can be so addited to youth and most scenes are violence too since they always create bad character(s) to be KILLED by the "good" one(player usually fall into the good category). In most cases, once you get started to play, you'll hardly going pull yourself out again and might struggle to get free from games as well, it's all depend on one's willingness when should stop. All those excitement will make youth forget almost about everything and the other thing is teenagers will face problem in differentiating between reality life and fantasy world.(I think this will be the main concern of all parents).
I personally notice that some who play online games have a special characteristic and fantastic dream, yet they never work hard for themselves in real life. short, games bring happiness to those have conscious mind and give harm to those without discipline

Kai Wah said...

Good sharing of opinion......Keep it up....

Calling all the kaki online game...share your may not agree with what they had said.

The most important thing is what are we priortise in our life - studies, life, excitement? I'm not against the online games...we can enjoy it but no to the extend of getting addicted to it until we ignore some other matters which are not important like exam, having a good meal with family members and meeting friends.

Anonymous said...

i not the player of online games, but from the side of business,
it really make a lot job opportunities in the society, and also generate a lot money in economic.
at the young people side, i think it is quite a good tool for us to spend our time, relax, reduce stress and communicate with other.
althougth i not playing , but i support people to have some time in playing it.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the idea but i feel that if a student play too much of online game, then may be most of the case will get adapted to the online then he will spent a long time in front of the computer to continue playing the game. but shopping have a different in sence that a person only can shop when the mall is open and sometime is good to have window shopping. you aagree?