Tuesday, November 07, 2006

YouTube vs Utube.com

Different spelling.......same pronunciation.

YouTube - Online Video Sharing site. Also the Time Invention of the Year 2006. Established since 2004.
Utube.com - Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment, industry equipment maker - website established since 1996.

Due to the popularity of YouTube, some users mistakenly treated Utube.com as YouTube.com resulted in dramatic increase of web page request and visits, from 1500 hits per months to as high as 2 million hits per month. This caused the company server to crash a few times.

Now, Utube.com is suing YouTube.com for causing its server to crash as well as causing it losing business and the need to invest in more reliable server. It requested YouTube to change its name or to finance its new rebranding process.

From www.ecommercetimes.com - "Domain-name confusion has been around as long as the World Wide Web. Some have tried to capitalize on the element of human error and confusion, by snatching up like-sounding domains and establishing ad-filled outposts."

More reading can be obtained here - YouTube sued over domain use. (www.ecommercetimes.com)

What do you think? Share you comment:
Who is making the mistake here? Users or YouTube?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ive read this topic for some blogs. But I think this is more informative.