Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Google's Literacy Project

Google Inc. unveiled on Wednesday a Web site dedicated to literacy, pulling together its books, video, mapping and blogging services to help teachers and educational organizations share reading resources. - http://www.google.com/literacy/index.html

Google has asked literacy groups around the world to upload video segments explaining and demonstrating their successful teaching programs. Among the first few hundred to be posted is a same-language subtitle project from India that uses Bollywood films to teach reading.

The service also uses Google's mapping technology to help literacy organisations find each other, and provides links to reading resources.

Google embarked two years ago on a massive project to digitally scan all of the world's books, a plan that has been embraced by some publishers and pilloried by others who consider it copyright violation. A group of them have filed a lawsuit against Google in the United States.

(Source: CNN Tech, Oct 4th)


How does this website beneficial to us, as a student?

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